Need a gun loan from a pawn shop? It's a much better idea than many borrowing options, and for many, it's a great alternative to using a credit card. Using pre-owned items to take out a pawn loan is popular, and if you need assistance, Chesapeake Pawn and Gun is ready to help you. In particular, consider using a firearm to borrow money with bad credit. We never run a credit check, and as your local gun dealers, we will appraise your firearm fairly and give you the loan you deserve!
Get a Gun Loan from the Best Gun Shop Near Me in Chesapeake
When looking for a pawn loan on a firearm, you'll need to choose the best local business owners who deal with guns. If you have come to us before for a gun purchase or to sell a firearm, you probably know that we always strive to offer a great deal. Because we work with guns so much, we value them a bit more than the pawn stores that don't deal with firearms as often. This means that if you want a bigger personal loan on your firearm, Chesapeake Pawn & Gun is a great place to visit! If you like working with small businesses that prioritize customer service, we think you'll be very happy with your experience here!
Bring More Valuable Firearms for a Bigger Pawn Shop Gun Loan
The approval process of a pawn loan is very simple. Since we don't look at your credit score, the only thing you need to do to take out a bigger loan is to bring in a more valuable firearm. Make sure your gun is in good condition if you want to borrow more, for example. You also have the option to bring in multiple firearms for a bigger loan amount, if you'd prefer. At our pawn and gun store, we grant loans both large and small, so come see us to borrow the money that you need. We do accept a broad range of unique items for our pawn loans as your local gun and ammunition shop owners.
Get a Gun Loan from a Pawn Shop in No Time
Taking out a gun loan from our pawn shop is fast and easy. Because of our in-store expertise, we can value your firearm quickly on the spot. There's no application process or credit approval required, so you don't have to worry about anything slowing down your loan. We deal with people with all different credit truly does not matter. You, too, can borrow money today without any credit impact. We'll give you a no-obligation free appraisal of your firearm, so you can get a loan offer in no time.
Government ID & Background Checks Required for a Gun Loan
You don't have to worry about a bunch of loan application details or hassles when you take out a gun loan with us. There's no hard credit inquiry, and we won't call your boss to verify your fact, we will not even ask for proof of income at all. However, there are a couple of things that you need to be aware of. We are required by law to see your government-issued ID when offering you a gun loan. Additionally, we will have to run a background check before returning your firearm when you make your final payment to pay off your pawn loan. That's it! You can ask us if you have additional questions, and you can find things like your due date, payment options, and interest rate by looking at your pawn ticket at the time of the transaction.
Firearm loans from a pawn shop are a hassle-free way to borrow money. Chesapeake Pawn and Gun has been in the local gun industry for a long time, and we have granted many pawn loans on firearms. We make pawn transactions every day that we're open, so come see us to borrow the highest dollar amount. There's no reason to take your firearms to other pawn stores, when you can visit the leading provider of pawn loans on guns...Chesapeake Pawn & Gun, right here in Hampton Roads.